Monday, April 11, 2011

April is STD Awareness Month...

Did you know that “1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD by the age 25”????  That means, you could be at risk or even have a disease and not even know it.  So GET YOURSELF TESTED!!!!
You can learn about getting tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and other STDs/STIs by going to or find a local health center near you at
Watch this video to learn how…

Friday, April 1, 2011

President Obama wants to hear from YOU!

According to the White House website, President Barack Obama wants to hear about your interests. 
“Between now and May 31st, Administration officials will be participating in 100 Roundtables with Young Americans all across the country. Host one in your community, and if you’d like - ask someone from the Administration to participate.” 
We want to invite him to an upcoming event in May, so stay posted!!
Here’s a video on President Obama’s visit with some youth in Cleveland, Ohio:

Some cool posters from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy